Pursuant to Article 3, Section 31 of the General Municipal Law (GML), every local government must annually file a financial report with the New York State Comptroller. As of 2024, for FY2023 reporting and thereafter, the Annual Financial Report (AFR) has been developed to meet the requirement of Article 3, Section 32 of the GML that the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) provide the forms for this annual report. For FY2022 and previous years, the Annual Update Document was used.
For towns with a population of less than 5,000, like ours, these reports must be submitted no later than 60 days after the end of the previous fiscal year.
Such reports shall include:
- A statement of the receipts from all sources and of all accounts or revenue which may be due and uncollected at the close of the fiscal year for the Town; and
- A statement of the disbursements during the fiscal year by the Town; and
- A detailed statement of the indebtedness of the Town at the close of the fiscal year, the provisions made for the payment thereof, together with the purposes for which it was incurred; and
- A detailed statement of installment purchase contracts entered into by the Town, the provisions made for the payment thereof, the purposes for which such contract was entered into, whether such contract was financed by the execution and delivery of certificates of participation, and such other information as the Comptroller shall require; and
- A statement of the costs of ownership and operation and of the income of each and every public service industry owned, maintained or operated by the Town: and
- Such further or more specific information in relation to the cost of any branch of the service, or the cost of any improvement, of such as may be required by the comptroller.
The Town's required financial reports may be seen and reviewed here:
2022 Town of Moira Annual Update Document (AUD)
2023 Town of Moira Annual Financial Report (AFR) - Certified
2024 Town of Moira Annual Financial Report (AFR) - Certified